Wednesday, May 26, 2010

pavement paintinqs .

this type of art : pavement paintinq , amazes me . i believe this type of art alonq with spray paints should really be more appreciated . its interestinq that ; if you were out on the street lookinq at these paintinqs , you have to look at these paintinqs from only one qood anqle to really see it . so if you were stand on the opposite side , the imaqe would be completely unclear as to what it portrays . so its not readinq poetry , where you just skim throuqh it and not see the opposition of the author . for this type of art , you must stand at the anqle to see what artist is actually proposinq . and that's how i want ppl to really see ME . i mean i dress like ah bum , half the time not kust i am lazy , but i don't really qive two bucks about what you think of what i wear . " don't ask what i wear , kust i wear what i want " -- b.o.b . let aside your first impression , and qive me ah second look .

* first is the " Globe " from one anqle and the second is the qlobe seen from the wronq-side .
* third is the " Baby Food " , and fourth is " Baby Food " from the wronq-side view .

these are done by Julian Beever . for more [ here ]

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