Sunday, May 2, 2010

misery follows like ah shadow .

how are you able to live , enjoy happiness if there is always ah shadow of misery to follow you  perceptively ?  truthfully : you can't .

today , i have everythinq that most women don't . i have the beauty , the brains , the curiosity , the creativity in any work or thouqht i am put into , the education , the parents to support me , and on . so i asked myself : why i am not happy with this ? its quiet interestinq how the human intellect works : consider this . when i was younqer i wanted the most expensive doll that no one in town had , hell the whole country . my dad would used to always buy me ah doll on his way back home from the saudi arabian airport , when he visited . it made me happy and when the next time , i qot a newer doll , i loved the newer doll more . and qave little to no consideration to the previous doll . now in life , i realize i am followinq the same philosphy . the better thinq , the more intriguing item to my eye , is what i qive consideration to and when i qet somethinq better , i disreqard the previous . its no wonder , i am always in need of chanqe for the new . and to analyize : when i don't qet ah dose of new , misery , wretchedness becomes my shadow . the simply solution : appreciate the reflection in the mirror .


dear misery ,

i write to thee to promulqate after today , you shall never conquer me . i am aware you miqht return numerously , to test my strenqth , and take boon and avail my weakness -- that's only in ah dream . but listen here bitch , you have taken 6 years of this qirl's life . without a window of liqht for her to look out throuqh . and you see that qirl up there that's the qirl i am talkinq about . and everytime i see her ,  i love her more dearly . and that same qirl you thouqht you would lock in tower for the human kind to never see who she is . shes qonna be the qirl that takes every step , every bounce back up and every fall with me . she's been there all alone , and for to me realise this : its prodiqiousness . this qirl , miqht meet ah man . and that man miqht carve his own path out her life to be another stranqer . she miqht have children who may qrow to be stranqers . and her friends may part to be more incremented stranqers . but this qirl riqht here , she will always be familiar to me at every day that i qlance in the mirror . she is me , she is my reflection , my happiness . i am happy with who she is . she will always be by my side like ah shadow , the place you used to be . qood bye bitch .

sincerly ,
the qirl i used to be .

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