Thursday, February 25, 2010

knocked back three .

kurrently playinq : lupe fiasco ft. Gemini + Sarah Green "He Say She Say"

It sucks to know that all your hard work went to waste.. just like that .

you work to build a relationship back with an old friend . and you .. just frustrated kust they just the same old shit pile they were and still are . and that's why you left em in the first place . Quess this person is never to be kept on my recycled friend bin . *empties bin* . qood bye old friend .


lotta thinqs been on my mind . and i wish i could pluq my earphones in my brain and qive you the ear buds to hear what i am thinkinq kust it would make so much sense . i have woken up the last few days to plenty self-actualization moments . and it just make me think . but led me to no decision of any sort . for so lonq , i have qave up on the word "hope" all&toqether now. hope for anythinq in my life to chanqe . hope for me to ever find love . hope for a better future ; a clearer future . and the thouqht of some thinqs just make my stomache sick . *lonq siqh* it just feel like i been soulless&heartless for so lonq . and its hard to be and feel when you like that . and you eventually just lose all hope . and its qreatly hard to explain this deeper level of thouqht to someone who sees your outside and has never opened up to see yo inside . kust if they did ; there'd be alot of open space, cuts; burns and bruises .

some days its sunny but it aint soo [ hauqht ] . on most days i feel like i qotta try so hard not to let it show . but i worked and plowed extra harda ; i really have and it feel like i made twostepsforward only to realize i qot
 knockedbackthree .
but its like am born from the stands ; you know that world is out to qet me ; why don't you qive me a chance ?

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