Tuesday, August 31, 2010

[ was supposed to be posted earlier , but shit HAPPENS okay so ]

At one point – I wanted to join the Peace Corp. riqht outta hiqhschool . i felt like i wanted to save  the world . and i felt it possible . but here while , I want to start an orqanization – here in sudan – ah volunteer thinq that ‘ll clean up the streets and plant more trees around the city , Khartoum . My cousin said she wanna help . I think that sudan is beautiful ! I love it here . BUT - i notice people doinq this shit ALL the time , just throwinq empty bottles around , like it aint shit . AND ITS NOT . but funny thinq , i almost cauqht myself doinq the same durinq my stay . and reason is , there arent even available trash bins anywhere to be found to throw your trash ! and , i just seem silly to the point where i was hanqinq on to my empty bottle untill i would trash to place it in - & someone like just " throw the shit , why you still holdinq it ? "      #wtfmoment .

and I don’t wanna leave . I feel like , I belonq here – to ah certain extent . off the course of my likes and dislikes about it here . but quh , I just wanna STAY here . and i leave tomorrow back to rochester , minnesota . i just sure hope alot has chanqed - i am so sick of chokinq on the same air .

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