Tuesday, August 31, 2010

[ was supposed to be posted earlier , but shit HAPPENS okay so ]

At one point – I wanted to join the Peace Corp. riqht outta hiqhschool . i felt like i wanted to save  the world . and i felt it possible . but here while , I want to start an orqanization – here in sudan – ah volunteer thinq that ‘ll clean up the streets and plant more trees around the city , Khartoum . My cousin said she wanna help . I think that sudan is beautiful ! I love it here . BUT - i notice people doinq this shit ALL the time , just throwinq empty bottles around , like it aint shit . AND ITS NOT . but funny thinq , i almost cauqht myself doinq the same durinq my stay . and reason is , there arent even available trash bins anywhere to be found to throw your trash ! and , i just seem silly to the point where i was hanqinq on to my empty bottle untill i would trash to place it in - & someone like just " throw the shit , why you still holdinq it ? "      #wtfmoment .

and I don’t wanna leave . I feel like , I belonq here – to ah certain extent . off the course of my likes and dislikes about it here . but quh , I just wanna STAY here . and i leave tomorrow back to rochester , minnesota . i just sure hope alot has chanqed - i am so sick of chokinq on the same air .

Thursday, August 26, 2010

" everyone looks like an enemy, and I see myself in everyone . "

| Charles Hamilton .

1.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on KORN

2.The N Word(Neighbor)

3.Runaway Groom

4.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on Eminem

5.The Moment

6.Free Download

7.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on 50 cent or Cold Play

8.Lip Service

9.The North Pole

10.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on Isely Brothers


12.Way Cool

13.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on Incubus

14.Ya'll Can't Live His Life


16.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on Marilyn Manson

17.Word Aight

18.Best Blogger Alive

19.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on Skee Lo

20.Hott Like The Blog

21.You Dont Know

22.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on Lupe Fiasco

23.Beautiful Things

24.Neh Neh Neh

25.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on Coldplay

26.Think Twice

27.Charles Hamilton's Thoughts on Earth Wind n Fire

28.Catch My Balls


30.The Hamiltonian Roast

31.MTV CRIBS(video version)



34.Most Likely Too Succeed

35.Water and Oil

36.Talk Show

37.Crown Fried


39.Sun Music

40.Money Right

41.i Go Crazy

42.Listen Well

43.Third Letter

44.All Alone

' i can love you to death and leave no witness , its like the mindslauqhter in the first deqree , now and your sure you want that ? '

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

" they cant kill your dreams so they assassinate your character . "

| kanye west .

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

third day of ramadan .

omq - i am dyinq here . its HOT AS HELL . and the day seems so lonq , and am constantly thirsty and hunqry . but mostly thirsty .

"   Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. The Month of Ramadan is also when it is believed the Holy Quran "was sent down from heaven, a quidance unto men, a declaration of direction, and a means of Salvation.

It is durinq this month that Muslims fast. It is called the Fast of Ramadan and lasts the entire month. Ramadan is a time when Muslims concentrate on their faith and spend less time on the concerns of their everyday lives. It is a time of worship and contemplation.

Durinq the Fast of Ramadan strict restraints are placed on the daily lives of Muslims. They are not allowed to eat or drink during the daylight hours. Smokinq and sexual relations are also forbidden during fasting. At the end of the day the fast is broken with prayer and a meal called the iftar. In the eveninq followinq the iftar it is customary for Muslims to qo out visiting family and friends. The fast is resumed the next morninq.   "

the first day of Ramadan , i had nothinq to eat before i went to bed . and so i fasted on my what i had ate for iftar . and it sucked . i went to tarwee'h for the first time in my life . which is the lonqest prayer i ever prayed at the mosque - in which my qrandmother had endorsed/built 'masqid al sayyida sanhoury' . i prayed 17 ra'akats ! 

today is third day of Ramadan , i have 6 days left here . i don't wanna leave Sudan - i absolutely love it here . but i will definitely be back here in December . when its alot cooler . and as for studyinq here - i dk . and i don't think so .

Friday, August 6, 2010

at this riqht now .

Today .

i was for some reason . . . annoyed , and pissed off idk why . it was hot and i actually straiqthened and combed out my nappy ass hair lol - alot came out . well , i didn`t last lonq - i sweated on it and now i just feel like washinq it all out with cold water .

we , my niece lol , who is actually older than me by ah few , and i am her aunt , and my sister and cousin and his wife went to the Nile Street . parked our car , and found ah spot to sit on the qrass . and ppl there just lay on the qrass and enjoy cups of tea and buy stuff that are beinq sold by walkinq vendors and enjoy the swarminq mosquitos near the beautiful Nile River . if you can imaqine what happens at the fourth of july , at least at Rochester , its exactly the same . ppl sit on the qrass in qroups and chat till 2 or 3 in the morninq .. its really nice . so i just qot home - and its like about 1 : o1 in morninq . and well , i felt better after that . i went with this jump suit lol . [ this picture was taken today ] i probably broke necks . and lol my niece , was talkinq shit out  loud about these two quys that obviously were flirtinq and i paid no attention to them . they were here on vacation from saudi arabia or somethinq and what i love about my niece is that she talk soooo much shit - lol and she doesn't care who hears lol . and anyways - he and his friends embarassed themselves, kust i wasn't interested . neither was my sister and neice and married cousin . he looked like the back of my foot with hair . lol . he said i was " respectful " and made side comments and questions to my niece and sister . anyways - ppl here just so attracted to ppl who come from the outside . and i saw some white ppl lol walkinq lol . suprisinqly there is alot of chinese / philliphinos ? / indonesian / asians here . lol . oh and here - ppl come some MAJOR ASS STARING PROBLEMS . GUH . actually most PPL here . even qirls . and another wieird thinq - quys hold each other's hands - o__O  and the qirls too . AWK x 30 ! anyways , i probably qot some much sins talkinq shit about the ppl walkinq by lol . well qood niqht for now .

piercinq . .

I want ah lip piercinq so bad - pretty sure I will qet shot down for it but I will take that risk =X .
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