Wednesday, June 2, 2010



13 more days . i haven't packed ; shopped ; or done shit .


- i completed my damn Fafsa after yyyyyearrrss of procastinatinq on it .
- um ; ordered my phone shells -- custom desiqned mine and sister's . i actually created this desiqn [above]  in november 2009 when i qot my phone . but i never ordered it until now . what else - sent ah few emails . had some vimto . mmm .


sudan : i qotta keep in mind the humidity , likely rain ,  mostiquitos and my allerqies - no straiqht hair ; cotton clothinq only ; no sneakers :/ . no stayinq out late - i don't think buq spray works lol or sun block . claratin supply for 2.5 months . etcetera , etcetera !
hm its been ah day <3 .

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