Sunday, February 25, 2018

So I Went to See What the Hype Was About

I went to go see Black Panther, the movie. Man. Deep stuff. I am glad I went. At first, I was like it's just hype and nothing really. I was so wrong. This movie is awesome. It just made me hold my head up. Well-produced, well-scripted, great acting, well-everything. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

On a Personal Note Though

It's been really tough trying to find a job. One that pays decent, flexible, and actually, is a job. I feel like I have been applying to fake jobs. Jobs posted for the pleasure of feeling like there is a need. When there really isn't. I apply and never hear back. And then I wonder--whatever happened to that application dot dot dot question mark.

I am not sure what to do. Honestly. I would love a job from home. Where I am comfortable and always on time. But that's just me pouring what's in my mind, in an empty cup with a hole in the bottom--wondering if it will ever get filled. Probably not. 

[ What's Important ]

"Relate not your vision to your brotherslest they arrange a plot against you."

Working on keeping to myself for a while. Human beings keep so much inside them. You don't know who's really there for you and who is not. At the end of the day, no one really is there for you 100%. Many tell tale signs, but my naive heart keeps mistaking foes for friends. Keep to yourself. And Importantly, DO not get angry. Don't lose it all in the moment. Be kind, regardless of their ill treatment. You are not losing anything; their true colors are coming into light.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Got the Madman Started

Currently Reflecting

Writing is often a hard thing to do. How do you even start? Where do you even start? What do you talk about? One of things that I recently heard from a writer is that, writing is kind of like composing music. You have this tune in your head, and--it-- you gotta put down all the right notes, play them to matches what's in your head. Like electrically connecting your mind to the paper that connects to other minds what your originally idea was.
What you compose on paper may never match what your mind envisioned--but that's what makes it all worthwhile--how can you spill out a piece in your mind for a reader or a listener to experience what was once encapsulated in your mind. 

Get the madman started!