Saturday, September 4, 2010

I Love Livinq Life. I Am Happy.

' i love livinq life . i am Happy . ' Say it with me !

this ABSOLUTELY inspired me - i had to share .

Friday, September 3, 2010

and everybody else , thank you very litte .

the newly titled ' # 1 pet peeve ' .

Omg, girls that post nothing but pictures of their body parts. Your NOT just an ASSET,  don't let that be YOUR value. 

And on the other hand, boys with albums of their body parts? So that's all you are, a piece of ' stomach ' ? 

 um , *shrugs* OKAY.

when i am bummed out about beinq sinqle . . .

*pursed lips* WELL , HONESTLY here 's what i do .

i just go on facebook and look at all the we`re-back-on-again-and-off-again-the-next-day-I-HATE-HER\HIM-&-the-i-hope-she/he-qet-what-they-deserve-kanyewest-bittersweet-crazy-stuff-or-the-i-love-him-so-much-&-we-only-been-together-for-2weeks-dysfunctional-type     couple drama and i feel BETTER about beinq single =] .


with much masculinity , i am soooo proud . . .

of the woman i am becominq . HONESTLY , i really am .


Name : masculinely

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

my favorite kind of flower : bird of paradise .

' he is the kind of man that has  flowers on his desk ,
than diamonds on his neck .
the kind of man ,
that wears humbliness under his arms forever
rather than ah 64 $ air fraqrance for ah few hours .
i don't want him for his money , or looks .
but for his crazy intellect .'

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .

idk , but am i alone to feel like this whole " Illuminati / satanic / masons " shit is just O__o ?
i don't have the full facts , or whatever . but i watched this video on ah link from facebook [here]  

but uqh that plust that kanye west , power video shit . wait , wait , waitttt ah minute . HONESTLY , that kanye west power video qot me like O__o , to the point i am sleepinq with one eye open , qettinq niqhtmares and shit yooo . idk what to believe , but i am not believinq in anythinq at this point . i am ah touqh person to convince soo . well anyways , crazy shit . i just wanna qet my mind off of it . [here]